Buttercup Club- Wrap around Care

Our Breakfast Club and After School Club for EYFS and KS1 children (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are based in the main school building. The drop off and pick up entrance is accessed from Christchurch Road pathway and the entrance to the Club is behind the little picket fence at the top of the driveway.

Buttercup Club offers a homely and welcoming environment and provides opportunities for the children to enjoy free choice play, crafts, rest and relaxation, computing as well as opportunities for physical activities both inside and outside. Children have access to a range of play equipment during the sessions and can make choices about the activities and projects they want to participate in. They are also involved in planning their activities and the preparation of snacks.

Buttercup Team

Managers- Mrs Grainger (DSL for Wrap Around Care) and Mrs Hodge.

Buttercup Team- Mrs Aust, Mrs Barr, Miss Keegan-White, Mrs Cottle, Mrs Just, Mrs Waters-Johnson, Miss Bridge and Mrs Briddock. who work on a rota system.

Breakfast Club


The cost of £7.00 per session covers childcare and breakfast. 

Breakfast club includes the opportunity for a relaxed, nutritious breakfast alongside friends. The children chat about their day and the adults prepare breakfast. There is also a range of activities including arts and crafts, role play, board games, construction, small world and free play. 

After School Club 


The cost of £16 per session covers childcare and a light tea. Children will choose what snack they want based on the options given each day.  

After School Club includes opportunities for active games inside and out. For those wanting something more restful, there is always plenty of arts and crafts, reading and time for relaxing too. Breaks for eating & drinking are planned into every afternoon. In the warmer weather the children will spend much of their time outside. Our After School Club will provide a home-from-home feel for children. This is different to extra-curricular clubs; it serves an entirely different purpose. 

Booking and Payment

To apply for a place you will need to fill in the application form at the bottom of this page. Applications for the next year are opened on the 15th May and no early applications are allowed. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis and the booking will remain in place throughout that academic year. Your initial application will roll over each year so you do not need to reapply each May. Bookings are put on the Arbor online system termly, and you can pay either through the Arbor Parent Portal  or by using childcare vouchers. Balances are paid termly in advance or by arrangement, 2 half termly or 3 monthly instalments. The full balance must be paid each term.

Ad hoc bookings

We do take ad hoc bookings if we have availability. Should you be interested in an ad hoc booking please email buttercupclub@goldfield.herts.sch.uk to enquire. Ad hoc bookings are only allowed 2 weeks prior to the relevant date and priority is given to children who already attend regularly.

Can I pay via childcare vouchers or Tax Free childcare 

Yes; we accept childcare vouchers including Tax Free Childcare. To pay with Childcare vouchers you must confirm that the school is registered with your childcare provider. At the start of each term, you will need to arrange your payment directly with your provider. When we receive payment from the, we update your Arbor accordingly.

Will I receive a refund for sessions not used? 

We do not offer refunds for unattended sessions. In exceptional circumstances a refund will be given at the discretion of the Head Teacher. This will not be for individual sessions & will only be considered for long term bookings, for example, if you have booked for a whole term & your employment status changes. 

We do ask you to let the office know if your child will not be attending wrap around care on a day they are usually booked in.

Is there a late pick up fee? 

There will not be a late pick up fee for the rare or unexpected late pick up. Should a parent or carer persistently collect their child/ren later than 6pm, a late pick up fee will be applied (per child). 

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